Summer Skin

by Death Cab For Cutie

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 9:42 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author

Benjamin Gibbard/Jason McGerr/Christopher Walla

Tabbed by

Guitar: JB - Bass: JB


1st → Piano 1
2nd → Guitar3
3rd → Synth 1
4th → Synth 5
5th → Bassr 4
6th → Synth 3

File Size

13 KB




Squeaky swings and tall grass The longest shadows ever cast The water's warm and children swim And we frolicked about in our summer skin I don't recall a single care Just greenery and humid air Then Labor day came and went And we shed what was left of our summer skin On the night you left I came over And we peel the freckles from our shoulders Our brand new coats so flushed and pale And I knew your heart I couldn't break Cause the seasons change was a conduit And we left our love in our summer skin


Guitar Notes: To recreate the sound of the vibes in this song, I arranged the part to be played as artificial harmonics... which, in this case, should be done by placing the index finger of your picking hand (directly above the fret) 5 frets higher than t Bass Notes: I included some of the ambient-sounding synth parts in the bass score.